OLCPM - Online Change Point Detection for Matrix-Valued Time Series
We provide two algorithms for monitoring change points
with online matrix-valued time series, under the assumption of
a two-way factor structure. The algorithms are based on
different calculations of the second moment matrices. One is
based on stacking the columns of matrix observations, while
another is by a more delicate projected approach. A well-known
fact is that, in the presence of a change point, a factor model
can be rewritten as a model with a larger number of common
factors. In turn, this entails that, in the presence of a
change point, the number of spiked eigenvalues in the second
moment matrix of the data increases. Based on this, we propose
two families of procedures - one based on the fluctuations of
partial sums, and one based on extreme value theory - to
monitor whether the first non-spiked eigenvalue diverges after
a point in time in the monitoring horizon, thereby indicating
the presence of a change point. This package also provides some
simple functions for detecting and removing outliers, imputing
missing entries and testing moments. See more details in He et
al. (2021)<doi:10.48550/arXiv.2112.13479>.